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May 2015- May 2016. Employed year in Lighting Design Office, Melbourne, Australia

Opening the mind, moving away from our comfort zone, discovering new experiences and accepting new challenges is a fundamental part of our growth as human beings and as professionals. It is precisely in this process where creativity expands and connects us even more with who we really are individually and collectively. 

For this reason I opted for the opportunity to work as a lighting designer for a year at an architectural lighting office in Australia. This was The Flaming Beacon (, an office with more than 25 years of experience in the field, with branch offices in Melbourne and in Berlin. 

Why Australia? Because I think it is a country with a greater awareness regarding issues of sustainability, urbanism, quality of life, cultural and artistic wealth.


 June - November 2016

 After this experience I decided to continue learning about different cultures, spending 5 months traveling through Southeast Asia, visiting countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Nepal. Much less developed than Australia in terms of infrastructure, however very rich in art, nature, simplicity, humanity and identity, tools also prized for my professional and personal inspiration.

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